Wednesday, March 16, 2011

saved by seeds: on newsstands now

my article on heirloom tomatoes came out today! it’s in the spring issue of boise--copies are for sale at grocery stores and bookstores, but free copies are usually available at moxie javas and flying m (and probably some other random places) so if you live in the boise area keep an eye out. here’s the cover so you know what to look for:

i have another piece with photos in there too. i don’t usually get excited about my articles but this tomatoes one is special. i broke it up into sections about biodiversity, a few special varieties, starting and saving seeds, tips on growing them locally, etc., and it's a pretty large word count (with lots of photos, yay!) so it covers six whole pages. if anyone is interested in reading it and is unable to get their hands on a copy, leave a comment and i’ll email you a pdf. i would post the whole thing on here but i don’t know how that jives with copyright laws and whatnot...i’m sure no one would care, but still.


  1. Emily that's great! I'd love to see it. Send me a pdf.

    Good for you!

  2. thank you vetsy! i just emailed it to you.

  3. Congratulations! The photos are stunning, and tomato growing is one of my favorite garden topics. But I might be moving, so I'm not planting any this year...

  4. thanks amy! that's too bad...maybe you could grow a small determinate plant in a pot and move it with you?

  5. For sure, email me the pdf! I would love to read it! Congratulations!

  6. Hey, I'd love to read it! Could you send me a pdf?

    Thanks, and congratulations!

  7. of course i'll send you one! thanks so much jess.
