last weekend i went to the vagina monologues, and it was slightly disappointing. first off, there was no mob of protesters like there was last year. i brought a camera expressly so that i could have my friend laura take a silly picture of me standing in front of those assholes, pointing at my “i (heart) female orgasm” tshirt. my gender/media professor offered extra credit if we went to the monologues and hectored the protesters; in jest, of course, but i thought it would be amusing to share the picture anyway. oh well. i wonder why it was such a big deal last year, with brandy swindell and jonathan sawmiller and their uptight christians brigade all up in arms, and this year no one even cared. strange to be disappointed by something like that.
the play itself was just not as awesome as it was last year. it seemed shorter, and it wasn’t as well-acted; the women who delivered the monologues were excellent, but nearly every member of the group who narrated was second-rate. laura and i both felt like it was a bit of a let-down, but maybe that’s because last year’s performance was so fabulous.
it gave me a craving for chocolate vaginas, regardless. i’ll have to pull out my sheet of vagina candy molds one of these days. i ruined my first plastic sheet of vagina molds by pouring melted-down crayons into them; but not before i got some sweet vagina crayons out of the endeavor. “vagina molds” sounds kind of gross. especially if one is to be eating out of them.
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