the bread recipe is from ani’s raw food kitchen by ani phyo. (this person has already blogged the recipe so i won’t bother). the only changes i made were adding chopped parsley and cumin, and substituting white sesame seeds for black ones.
i made one major mistake: i spread this stuff waaay too thick on the dehydrator tray. it still dried alright, but when i ate it it was thick and extremely filling. i should’ve spread it to less than half this width.
to make the sandwich i layered fresh homemade hummus, alfalfa sprouts, sliced sweet peppers, sliced tomato, salad greens, and a thick chunk of purple cabbage. i’ve been using purple cabbage as the star of a lot of my sandwiches lately. when you slice it thick enough it makes a perfect patty.
i added a side of cheesy kale chips. yumm!
thank you for the post and for enjoying my recipe. your sandwich looks delicious! nice photo too. i have many more recipes and videos on my website at: http://www.AniPhyo.com. my latest book “Ani’s Raw Food Essentials” goes on sale in the USA June 1st. It’s my biggest book yet, hard cover, with over 250 recipes. printed in 2 color with gorgeous color food photo inserts, it’s priced under $28, rather than over $45. my recipes continue to get simpler and faster to make. I hope you’ll check it out and enjoy it. thanks again for the post.
yum yum looks great!
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