one of my favorite things to do lately is stare at plants. my own plants, friends’ plants, neighbors’ plants, communal plants, plants in nature, pictures of plants in plant books, blogs about plants with pictures of plants.........i think because it’s been so cold and precipitate-y all week i’ve been extra obsessive. spring is here, but i’m still cooped up more than i’d like to be; a lot of things are in bloom, but there isn’t enough color yet to satisfy me. i’m feeling green-greedy.
You have a superb eye for form and detail, Em. Some of these pictures are scrummy. And I always feel sad when I have to mow the lawn for the first time in the spring. By then there are lots of dandelions and daisies dotting the green with yellow and white. I tell myself I'm only giving them a hair cut! My lawn is a mess by the standards of most 'gardeners,' but I can't bring myself to use weed-and-feed. The appearance of the first dandelion is such a delight. Maybe that can be today's blog.
wow, i've never heard the word "scrummy" before. i like it! that is sad mowing over flowers...at my parents' cabin my dad always mows over a huge patch of wild strawberries that grow in the lawn. his priorities confuse me.
Short for 'scrumptious.' It probably came from Liverpool. Most abbreviations with 'y' on the end do. They it was who gave us the word 'butty' meaning a sandwich ('cos you put butter on them.) When the British police changed form using black cars to white ones with a red strip along the side, Liverpudlians called them 'jam butty cars.' Takes some of the gravitas away, don't you think?
urban dictionary says it’s a portmanteau of “scrumptious” and “yummy,” so maybe the “y” isn’t a purely decorative liverpudlyism. you put butter on sandwiches? like, dairy butter?
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